Personal Heraldry (v2)

Û athdant lais en Lorien.
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.

Styled like that of Tolkien’s elves. Elven ladies had rounded heraldry.

Included are four deep green mallorn leaves facing diagonally, each away from each other. Within the leaves are elven swirls for a decorative representation of leaf veins. The positioning of the leaves is such that a flower shape occurs in the middle.

From the top, right, bottom, and left edges are jagged and intersecting lines that resemble minimalist mountains, which intersect at the flower shape.

The field is white, or argent, to maintain the continuity of Fallaryn’s backstory involving silver and dwarves.

  • Tablet: Huion Kamvas 16
  • Program: Krita

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